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Venture Patrol Trip to Northern Tier

From June 21st – June 30th the Venture Patrol traveled to the Atikokan Base at Northern Tier high adventure camp in Ontario, Canada (Atikokan is one of the three bases at Northern Tier). Scouts canoed across a section of wilderness called the Northern Crown Lands for a week. In addition scouts also had to plan the route that they would take to fulfill their 75 mile requirement. On trek they learned to properly unload and load the canoes with the special bags provided called ‘gray whales’ which were used to carry all of the food and equipment, learn to portage with the canoes across stretches of wilderness as well as what to do in situations where waves and white caps started to form. Each day the Venture Patrol was responsible for taking down or putting up bear bags, packing all of their equipment up every morning as well as setting it up in the evening and making sure to take care of their canoes so as to make sure nothing was damaged. In total the Venture Patrol exceeded the original 75 mile goal and ended up canoeing for 81.7 miles. This required them canoeing several hours a day. If you would like to see more photos from this trip click here.

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