Four scouts are working on the Ad Altare Dei award, one of the Catholic awards in scouting.
Continue ReadingMany scouts advanced in rank and earned merit badges at this week’s Court of Honor.
Continue Reading13 scouts went on a camping trip at Sandy Hook. While there, they earned requirements for the Oceanography Merit Badge.
Continue ReadingScouts built a shelter and slept in it overnight while working towards their Wilderness Survival Merit Badge at Camp Turrell.
Continue ReadingScouts worked on first aid requirements to move up in rank while at Camp Turrell.
Continue ReadingScouts caught and cooked fish while working towards their Fishing Merit Badge at Camp Turrell.
Continue ReadingScouts learned how to start and care for campfires while earning their Firem’n Chit at Camp Turrell.
Continue ReadingThe scouts have recently held a Court of Honor, and many scouts advanced in rank and earned merit badges.
Continue ReadingThe scouts are currently working on earning a new merit badge, Citizenship in the Community.
Continue ReadingSome scouts are working on cooking requirements during camping trips.
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