Scouts went to Camp Turrell from July 10 – 16 and 17 – 23. They earned multiple merit badges and awards while they were there. If you would like to see more pictures click here
Continue Reading6 scouts recently went backpacking to Lake Skenonto. They had to carry all of their gear with them to and from the campsite.
Continue Reading5 scouts recently earned the Pope Pius XII Award, a Catholic Scouting Award. This involved running a community service project, discussing possible vocations, and more.
Continue ReadingTroop 146 is proud to celebrate 4 new Eagle Scouts! This prestigious rank is the highest in scouting. Congratulations to Tige Mauseth, Gabriel Weaver, Ethan Zhang, and Aidan Ward!
Continue ReadingHoboken Troop 146 hosts visiting Arrow of Light cubs from Pack 146 and Pack 18 on a regular basis so they can fulfill Scouting Adventure requirement 2, “visit a troop meeting”. The Cubs work with the Scouts and learn the same skills when they visit. Recently, that included first aid bandages. That’s a good thing […]
Continue ReadingScouts recently went on a camping trip to Camp Lewis where they completed the COPE (Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience) course. This course included rock climbing and teamwork exercises.
Continue ReadingScouts recently had fun at a “Canoe War” while at Camp Floodwood. This impromptu event involved trying to tip over the other team’s canoes.
Continue ReadingScouts recently earned the canoeing Merit Badge while at Camp Floodwood. Learning how to flip over a capsized canoe was one of the requirements.
Continue ReadingCongratulations to Life Scout Ethan Zhang who recently completed his Eagle Scout Project at St. Francis Church. He constructed the Father Michael Community Garden, which was celebrated in a recent dedication Mass. Six other scouts attended.
Continue ReadingTroop 146 recently participated in summer camp at Camp Turrell for two weeks. Scouts were able to participate in fun activities like swimming, archery, and canoeing.
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