These frogs are smaller than most tadpoles. We caught tons of them to study!
Continue ReadingAt our last Court of Honor, many scouts were recognized for accomplishments that they squeezed in before summer.
Continue ReadingTroop 146 attended Father Mike’s memorial and the dedication of a new memorial garden in his honor. The memorial garden was an eagle project for one of our own scouts.
Continue ReadingScouts learned more about what it is like to be in the navy. Hooyah!!!
Continue ReadingWe beat our record! Four scouts fell in. Actually, make that 3 scouts and 1 scoutmaster. All were rescued, and it was a ton of fun despite the cold water.
Continue ReadingAlmost close enough to touch. Almost.
Continue ReadingCamping in October requires masks. And “Friday the 13th” movie screenings. Even if it is the PG version.
Continue ReadingStop showing off, we already know you’re flexible.
Continue ReadingFirst you canoe, then you have to carry the canoe. Amazing trip for the venture patrol.
Continue ReadingWhy yes, we’d love an excuse to learn how to shoot a rifle at a paper target.
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