Thanks to the 16 scouts who helped out at our recent car wash at the Elk’s Lodge in Hoboken. We raised exactly $500!
Continue ReadingThanks to the 8 scouts who helped out at Cub Scout Pack 18’s food drive! We collected over 800 pounds of food for the “In Jesus’ Name” food pantry as well as $150 in cash donations.
Continue Reading13 scouts went on a camping trip at Sandy Hook. While there, they earned requirements for the Oceanography Merit Badge.
Continue ReadingOur scoutmaster, Norman Kasser, has recently received the Above and Beyond Service Award from the “Friends of Camp Turrell” for going “above and beyond” in his service to this very special cam.
Continue ReadingSix scouts recently returned from St. Thomas Sea Base Sailing Adventure in the U.S. Virgin Islands. During their seven days at sea, they circumnavigated the island of St. John, earning the “50 Miler Award” and the “Captains Club Award”. In addition to sailing, they snorkeled pristine coral reefs and hiked in Virgin Islands National Park.
Continue ReadingSeven scounts recently began working to earn their Personal Firtness Merit Badges, which requires working out for three months. Exercises include running a mile.
Continue ReadingScouts enjoyed opening and closing group campfires at Camp Turrell.
Continue Reading15 scouts and 5 adult leaders recently attended Camp Turrell where they earned 58 merit badges and many awards including the prestigious Baden Powell Award of Troop Excellence.
Continue ReadingOne of the many fun activities the scouts pariticipate in are skits that are funny, sad, or somewhere in between. The video below, “Dr. Nutterbutter’s Opposite Machine”, is a Troop 146 original skit.
Continue ReadingScouts built a shelter and slept in it overnight while working towards their Wilderness Survival Merit Badge at Camp Turrell.
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